5 Tips To Keep Your Place Smelling Fresh

In case you have kids, or pets, or just don’t have time to play happy homemaker all day, here are 5 quick tips to keep your place smelling fresh.

1) Open the windows every day, even when it is super cold,

and let in fresh air for 5-10 minutes.

2) If you have a cat, clean that litter box DAILY. Two reasons for this, your cat deserves to do their business in a clean box (would do your business on an unfllushed toilet?). Also, cat pee is very pungent and very stinky so let’s not let it bake in the sand.

3) Monthly, wash throws & cushions on your couch. Think about it, we eat, we sweat, we spill, over time that all becomes stink. So once a month, give them a quick wash

4) NO STASHING DIRTY CLOTHES IN THE CLOSET. Instead, get a little hamper, ideally with a lid containing the stink & keep clothes off the floor (which is dirty & also a tripping hazard. JUST SAYING

5) When cooking, always had the hood vent running & soak pots and pans (once they cool down) instead of letting that grease cake on, becoming a bigger mess and a bigger stink.



Dag Lestani Larsen

Reach out anytime 416 618 1412 misterdaglarsen@gmail.com


Time to $ave on Heating & Cooling